Stillness sits on my Zafu
Exhaling near its end
- no coming nor going
Suddenly, the song of a red bird…
Calls my wall shadow to sit!
—Jakusho Kwong-roshi
An introductory retreat for both beginners and experienced sitters to plunge into the heart of Zen practice. Retreatants will experience a moderate schedule of eight periods of zazen, five periods of kinhin (walking meditation), and chanting online while practicing with SMZC residents in the zendo. This one-day sit is zoomed from the zendo.
Zoom link will be emailed to participants upon registration. Print Schedule.
4:30 am Wake Up
4:45 am Bonsho (15 min. bell)
5:00 am Zazen (meditation)
5:40 am Kinhin (10 min. slow walking meditation)
5:50 am Zazen
6:30 am Service, chanting
6:50 am Oryoki morning meal (residents) / Silent meal at home (online participants)
8:30 am Work practice (8:23 han, wood sound, residents meet outside) / Work practice at home (participants)
10:00 am Clean-up (wood sound) 9:53
10:30 am Zazen (10:23 bell)
11:10 am Kinhin
11:20 am Zazen
12:00 pm Kinhin
12:10 pm Zazen
12:50 pm Service, chanting
1:00 pm Oryoki noon meal (residents) / Silent meal at home (participants), short rest (25 min.)
2:30 pm Zazen (2:23 bell)
3:00 pm Kinhin
3:10 pm Zazen
3:40 pm Kinhin
3:50 pm Zazen
4:20 pm Four Vows
4:25 pm Closing circle ceremony (residents & participants together)
5:00 pm Tea & cookies in Sangha House (residents only)
Download Chants
6:30 am Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra
Intimacy of Relative and Absolute
12:50 pm Great Light Dharani
4:20 pm Four Vows