Thank you to everyone who helps to make our Annual Bazaar a great success!
The Seventh Annual Zen Center Bazaar will held on
Sunday September 18th
Free admission!
Vendors & Supporters
Unique and diverse local artisans and craftspeople will present a broad selection of treasures to take home.
Miles Atchison • snow cones
Diane Austen • Multiple Threads
Rafael Aviles • Equial Exchange Coffee
Pegge Bastress • Jewelry • junglemaidenjewelry.com
Judy Bellah • Travel Photography • bellahphotography.com
Bob, Janet Buckendahl • Zen Dust Table • smzc.org
Audrey Fontaine • Mixed Media Art • audreyfontaine.com
Beth Craven • Craven Photography
Leahs Sonoma Farm Girl• Natural Lotions
Hiroshi Fuchigami• Pottery
Susan Heeringa Pieper • Jewelry
Judy Hummell • Pottery
Michael Huber • Honey • (facebook)
Denise Ingstrom • Purses and Granite cheeseboards
Hiroko Ishida Anzai • Pottery • hirokoishidagallery.com
Michiko Kinoshita • renbrown.com/store/kinoshita-michiko-ceramicsLorna
Cam Kwong • Mandala Table
Ellen LaBruce • Hansa/Fiber Art
Karen and Grace Letteney • Facepainting
Bill Geisinger • Stoneware • billgeisinger.com
Christine Gonzalves • Jewelry • christinegonzalves.com
Middletown Art Center
Susan Norem • Handmade Soaps • facebook.com/thegardenwild
Lori I'Neill • Fiber Arts Maxwell Court Textile Studios
Michael Persinger • Children’s Table
John Rizzi • Glass Art • johnrizziglassworks.com
Andrea Tegstam • Wabi Sabi Kimono • wabisabikimono.co
Tomiko Yobumoto • Calligraphy and Sumi Brush
Miles Atchison • Snow Cones
Sonoma Mountain Zen Center's Sumptuous BBQ box lunch, Delicious Bake and Berry Mountain Jam Table for the sweet tooths!
A variety of distinctive performances and demonstrations will go on throughout the day. The full schedule will soon be included on the main page.

The Raffle Drawing will be held
at the event on September 18th;
need not be present to win

Soei Mouri Sensei & Julie Kashin Kwong
Soei Mouri Sensei • Omotesenke Tea Ceremony Demonstration [photo & details on main page]
Soei Mouri Sensei is a certified teacher of Chanoyu (tea ceremony) in the Omotesenke tradition. As the Vice President of Omotesenke Domonkai of Northern California, she has worked closely with the Omotesenke headquaters in Kyoto, Japan, and has energetically led projects to promote tea culture and to reach out and engage younger generations.

Sonoma County Taiko
Founded in May of 1995, Sonoma County Taiko brings the energy and excitement of taiko (Japanese drumming) to the Northern California wine country. Sonoma County Taiko is a 501(c)(3) non- profit organization. Our mission is "to learn share and promote taiko as a cultural art form." SCT performs at local schools and community events, teaches taiko classes for all ages, and works to expand understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture through music, dance, language and art.
Sonoma County Taiko at the Bazaar in 2012

Robet Matsueda • Berkeley Kendo Dojo
Kendo (剣道 kendō, lit. "sword way") is a modern Japanese martial art, which descended from swordsmanship (kenjutsu) and uses bamboo swords (shinai) and protective armour (bōgu). Today, it is widely practiced within Japan and many other nations across the world.
Bob Matsueda has been practicing martial arts for over 40 years and is a renshi 6th- degree black belt in kendo. He is the head instructor for the Berkeley Kendo Dojo. He is the head instructor for the Berkeley Kendo Dojo (NCKF, AUSKF, FIK member) and is an alumni/member of the ICU/Osawagi Kendo Dojo in Tokyo, Japan. He also serves as a board member of the Northern California Kendo Federation.

Don Stratton • Santa Rosa Aikido Center
A Japanese martial art that emphasizes harmony by blending with an opponent's attack and redirecting it, as opposed to the use of strength to block and attack. There are no contests or competitions in Aikido. It is sometimes described as an "internal martial art" because it is mental as well as physical.
Aikido's power comes from the coordination of mind and body and is manifested through one's center or "hara".
Through Aikido, we develop confidence and ability by training the mind, body and spirit. This, ideally, results in calmness, a positive outlook, alertness and focus. This enables us to appreciate all life has to offer!
Don Stratton – Santa Rosa Aikido Center
Sensei Don Stratton began training in Aikido in 1969 in Southern California. In 1974, he moved to Northern California where he became a student of Shiohira Shihan, founder of the Pacific Aikido Federation. Stratton Sensei was recently honored for his 40 years of continuous Aikido teaching at the YMCA of Santa Rosa. He lives in Petaluma and holds the rank of 6th degree black belt.
The Pacific Aikido Federation (PAF) is a group of dojos and students who are following Hideki Shiohira Shihan's approach to Aikido as a Martial Way. This means not only learning and becoming proficient in Aikido techniques but also settling into your true self so that the training is applied to everyday life situations. This type of training is referred to as Shugyo. Shiohira Shihan, 7th dan, has been teaching in the United States since 1974. His Aikido reflects his
training at Waseda University and Hombu Dojo, and shows the influences of his work in Zen, Misogi and Calligraphy.
Elliot Kallen • Shakuhachi
Initially trained as a concert pianist, Elliot Kallen migrated into the world of Rock and Jazz, playing keyboards for many bands and on many stages. A chance encounter led him to the Japanese bamboo flute and, since 2004, he has been a student of David Kansuke Wheeler of Boulder, CO. Elliot also studies with Kansuke’s teacher, Junsuke Kawase III in Tokyo, and is a member of Chikuyusha, the largest organization of its kind in Japan. He plays shakuhachi in a wide variety of contexts, from traditional Japanese music with koto and shamisen, to the exploratory sounds of the avant-garde. Elliot is also a founding member of TenTen Taiko, performing throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. He performs, teaches, and does lectures on Japanese classical music and the shakuhachi from his home base in Northern California.
Elliot Kallen
Naoko • Koto & Shamisen
Naoko has been playing the koto since she was six years old. She was taught by Koji Kikuhara who was a highly ranked student of National Living Treasure Hatsuko Kikuhara. In 1987, she passed a professional music examination at the Todo Music Association that proudly claims more than 100 years of history. She studied classical singing with Ichijuro Kiyomoto and Fujima style dance with Monjuro Fujima from 1979 to 1981; and, has been taking biwa lesson from Hokuniu Kyokuto Kimura, aka Molly Kimura. She received a Shoden degree from Head Master Iemoto Kyokuso Tachibana with Chiluzen-biwa Nihon-Tachibana Organization on November 30, 2009. As a performer of Nogawa Style jiuta shamisen and Ikuta style koto, she continues to perform at several places in the United States since 1994.

Sita Maiya Rajchal • Sitar
Assistant Professor of Music at Univeristy of Nepal. She started playing the sitar as a child. Rajchal takes traditional music and plays it with a new modern twist.
Brendan Buss • Black Sheep Brass Band
Individually, the Black Sheep Brass-ers were born with instruments internal, making sonorous music from the first laugh, cry and baby gurgle. Collectively, cosmic forces joined these musical magicians throughout the past seven years, in the avenues and alleys of Downtown Santa Rosa, to give birth to something wholly new of their own. From the phattest hip hop barnyard beats, to the funkadelic wild of Jungle Jazz, the Black Sheep surely have a rhythmic recipe to make your feet move to unimaginable improvisations, no matter the wild beauty, beast or domestic animal you may be. So, come all you Concrete Jungle Cats and Country Kittens, let us celebrate the majestic unfoldings of space and time through brass, beats and harmonious rhyme.

The highlight of the Mandala Bazaar is a raffle featuring many prizes!